Email Marketing

Need help with email marketing?

Email marketing can help you deliver your promotional messages right into the inboxes of existing and potential customers at a low cost in return for great results.

Email has been around for so long, you might think that it's dead as a tool for marketing, superseded by social media for instance.

But you'd be wrong. In spite of all the spam, GDPR and the fact our email inboxes are more clogged than ever, email marketing still offers an easy and affordable way to connect with prospects and customers and that offers a great Return on Investment (ROI) - according to 2017 research by Statista, email marketing generated a median ROI of 124%.

It's great for telling people about special offers, and for keeping your brand front-of-mind (so, when they're ready to buy, potential customers think of you first).

Email marketing can even work hand-in-hand with other elements of your promotional activities: secured some favourable media coverage? Email a link to customers as a conversation starter; sent out your weekly e-newsletter? Post about it on social media to remind people it's in their inbox; produced a new shareable infographic as part of your content marketing? Email it to people directly.

Provided you send relevant and useful content, and don't overdo it, email marketing is a great tool for communicating with people wherever they are in their buying journey.

Want to know more about average email open rates and how to boost them? Check out this Knowledge Base article

We can devise and implement an email marketing strategy that covers list building, segmentation and targeting, and software choice. We can then take responsibility for implementing this strategy, composing and sending emails, building automated workflows to drive engagement, and more besides - integrating with our social media marketing and content marketing solutions where appropriate.

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Email marketing, Preston, Lancashire, everywhere.

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